Sunday, November 26, 2006

Questionable Fashion Accessory for Men: The clutch!

My girl over at hip and pop broke this picture out made me want to share it with you guys. Note the common thread the clutch! Now I know you guys and girls are asking me...Are these queens? That's up to u too decide...but if I was a gambling man and I had $100, and the game was guess whose gay... I'd put $60 on Kanye $39 on Ms. Howard and $1 on Diesel and I KNOW I'd win much more than $ just think on that and comment!

I bet you're wondering which one's clutch is closest to the one I own (every gay man has one right?). Well I am a special occasions clutcher like Terrance Howard you'd see me in tux...holding my clutch tightly and waving to the paparazzi with my clutch-free hand.

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