Monday, November 27, 2006

This Woman has "Changed My Tune"...Tyra Banks

Let me start this off by saying...I didn't like Tyra Banks for a long time. I am a Naomi fan (and like the brandy vs. Monica fans for the record I am on team brandy), I find it hard to like my girls archenemies. Lately tho, I am starting to like her...After 7 seasons of top Model...her new show is making her very, very likeable. Her undercover Homeless, and stripper stories were pure genious!

This Beyonce Spoof She Did Sealed it

This performance she got out of beyonce was no joke...I never saw Bee have that much fun Performing

Remember Oprah's You're Getting a Car, You're Getting a Car? See Tyra's Spoof Giveaway!!!

And of course she had janet on and got out this lil tidbit...ANYONE who can get something like this outta JANET (the fort Knox of interviewees and my personal FAVORITE celebrity) deserves some props!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha Tyra's silly! I love Ur blog BTW*

